logo by MoaiOfKnowledge

CALI-HO! I am Entertainment Robotic Unit 004, designation Calidori. I am a Robot, Vtuber, and Artist. Welcome to my carrd!Here, you can find easy access to all of my socials and commission info!For any inquiries, please DM me on Twitter or email me. Do not use Discord

Calidori's Commissions

[ STATUS: OPEN 1/1 slots available ]

Commission queue

Contact me!



  • Using my art as a prompt to train any AI algorithm is prohibited.

  • There is 2 character limit.

  • I do not accept random prompts without prior discussion. Failure to provide proper references both visual and written will lead to a cancellation.

  • Major modifications are allowed until and during the sketch phase only. I will first complete a sketch and send it to you so we can discuss any modifications you wish to make, please be sure to give me as much details as possible from the beginning to avoid complications. Once the linework process has begun, Only minor revisions are accepted as they are far more difficult to implement later down the line.

  • Coloring modifications are possible within reason.

  • Completion time is around 4 to 6 weeks and may vary depending on my backlog, life circumstances and mental health, Please contact me either on Ko-fi or Twitter if you have any concerns.

  • No chargebacks. If by any reason you want a refund before i start any work, please contact me. I am easy to reach and it would be best to resolve things amicably.

  • If you cancel while the work is in progress, you may be entitled to a partial refund depending on the amount of work done.

  • No refunds once the work is finished.

  • I reserve the right to cancel your commission if I feel it’s beyond my artistic capabilities or if I feel I won’t enjoy working on it.

  • Please credit me if you use the work.

  • The prices listed are for PERSONAL USE ONLY! Commercial rights to the piece will cost triple the price of the artwork. Please contact me for further discussion.

Yay and nay


  • Humanoid characters

  • Simple to semi simple robots (no mecha or anything with too many parts)

  • Anthropomorphic creatures

  • Animals

  • Sentient objects

  • Suggestive themes (such as pinups)


  • Weapons

  • Vehicles

  • Complex backgrounds

  • Complex armor

  • Intricate designs

  • NSFW (straight up porn, bits showing, fetish, etc). Please do not insist

How to order

For simple character and emote commissions, check out my listings on Ko-fi and purchase directly from there. For chatacter design commissions, please message me on Ko-fi or TwitterFor info on progress on your order, please check my Trello.

Prices & examples


Icon: €20
Waist up: €30
Full body: €40
Extra character: +€20
Outfit variant: +€10


Icon: €35
Waist up: €45
Full body: €55
Extra character: +€35
Outfit variant: +€17.50


Icon: €40
Waist up: €50
Full body: €60
Extra character: +€40
Outfit variant: +€20
Color variant: +€20


Icon: €90
Waist up: €110
Full body: €120
Extra character: +€90
Outfit variant: +€45
Color variant: +€45


€30 per emote

Character design


  • Since these are extremely custom orders, please contact me through Ko-fi or Twitter to discuss details. If necessary, I will give you my Discord if if helps with file transfers and calls are needed.

  • Character sheet completion time will be approximately from 1 to 3 months depending on complexity and backlog at the time.

  • Please provide as much detail as possible. Moodboards/inspo boards are ideal to get the feel of the character and what you are looking for. I am very visual, so the more media the better.

  • Once an agreement is settled, I will send you a PayPal invoice. You must pay at least 50% of the price before I start any work.

  • I will send you rough sketches for approval so any modifications are easier to implement.

  • Once the final sketch has been completed and approved, you are required to finish payment before i proceed with the character sheet.

  • My character design and ref sheet prices are non negotiable. Please understand that I am severely visually impaired, and such work is very exhausting. You're not just paying for my years of experience and skill, but also for the effort and exertion that it takes me to work on these pieces.

  • I reserve the right to deny your commission if I feel it far surpasses my artistic capabilities or if it causes too much strain and could lead to burnout.

  • Please refer to my terms at the beginning of this page for more information and do not hesitate to message me if you have any questions.


Prices range depending on complexity






  • Character design sketches with unlimited revisions (within reason)

  • Character sheet with front, back, side view, important details, e.g. eye closeup, accessories, etc, and 4 expressions.


Sound commands list

ONLY SUBSCRIBERS AND VIPS can use sound commands.
Newly added sound effects will be bolded and highlighted in green


Type ! followed by commandname in chat. It only works if the command is typed at the beginning of your message



69, 70, adbreak, alien, angy, ass, baaah, bald, balls, bark1, bark2, barkbark, barrels, beauiful, bees, bestview, bitch1, bitch2, bitch3, bitch4, black1, black2, boobies, boobs1, boobs2, bucket, bust, butter, bye, calilaugh, caliweew, callerideeznuts, came, candy1, candy2, candy3, cantstop, cat, caveman, chaos, choese, chickenhole, chill, chocolatecake1, chocolatecake2, cock1, cock2, cock3, cock4, cock5, cock6, cock7, cockinterest, comedygold, cope, cork, cream, cringeFR, cringePT croissant, crudeoil, crying1 crying2, crying3, cum1, cum2, cum3, cum4, cummy, cunt, damage1, damnit, dick1, dick2, disco1, disco2, disco3, disco4, disco5, disco6, disgustang1, disgustang2, donkey, dontlike3, donut, doodoo, door, doorbell, dove, eae, eatingshit, edgy1, edgy2, edgy3, edgy4, edgy5, edgy6, edgy7, eepy1, eepy2, eepy3, eepy4, eepy5, eepy6, eepy7, eepy8, eepy9, eepy10, eggs, everyhole, everymeh, evilbaka1, evilbaka2, evilbaka3, eyes, f, fast, floor, fridge, fuck1, fuck2, fuckoff1, fuckyou2, game, garfielf1, garfielf2, garfielf3, garfielf4, garfielf5, garfielf6, garfielf7, garfielf8, garfielf9, garfielf10, garfielf11, gay1, gay2, gaymeme1, gaymeme2, getitout, girldick, girldinner, girls, glass, gnome, goaway, goodbird, goodjob, goodboi, guzzling, gwah, hahahaa, haha1, haha2, hardyharr, heehee, heheh, hehhh, helpme, hiss, hmmm, hoh, horn, horny, hotdogs, howdy, itsmine, iwon, jellybeans, jerkingoff, jesus, kill2, knownas, lamb, laydeez, legallyblind, lemmein, lemmepoint, letsoak, literalel, loveit, loveu, metabeefcake, metal, metalbar, miku1, miku2, miku3, miku4, miku5, miku6, milk, mmm, money, nicecock, no1, no2, no3, no4, no5, noohayo, notfunny, notouch, nut1, nut2, nuuh, nyuwe, objection, odemon1, odemon2, odemon3, ohayo, ooo, owea, ozzie1, ozzie2, ozzie3, penis1, penis2, phone, playgame, poot1, poot2, purple, pussy, quality, rabbit1, rabbit2, rabbit3, ranbreathing, raw, really, rekt, remember, robofanfic, rubber, rude, sandwich4, sauce, scream1, scream2, scream4, scream5, shitmypants, shitmyself, shrock, shushup, sissy, sit, slam, smoosh, snoop, snowball, sorry, speen1, speen2, spit, step1, stop, stopit, stupid2, suck, sucked, stfu, superior, table, takeitoff, tantalizing, tard1, tard2, terriblecock, tree, uou, uuurrr, waa, wawa, whatsthis, whatulaughingat, why, woah2, wolflaugh, woaow, wolfeyes, woo, woow, wow1, wow2, wowonuts, wtf1, wtf2, wtf4, wtf5, wth, wtheh, ya, yippee, yummers, zemen


2cock, 5hour1, 5hour2, a1, a2, amam, answer, attack, banks1, banks2, bush, butt1, butt2, butt3, carlton1, carlton2, carlton3, carlton4, carlton5, carlton6, carlton7, chicken, clap, cow, damn, dead1, dead2, die, douche, e1, erection, evilgeoffrey, findgeoffrey, geoffrey1, geoffrey2, giddy, god, gotcha, grow, hah, heh, hehh, hello, idc, imrich, killer, laugh1, magnets, mansdick, menevilization, mom, mwah, nana, noh1, noh2, noh3, noh4, numbers, pain, point, pot, question1, question2, read, ripcarlton, sadsandwich, sandwich1, sandwich2, sandwich3, sas, sex1, sex2, shit1, shit2, shutup, splelps, spoops, swindled1, swindled2, tututu, unclephil1, unclephil2, unclephil3, wasting, wew, what, whatsawoman1, will1, will2, will3, will4, will5, winnigish, woah, woah1, women1, women2, wtf3, words, yes, youdidwhat, zip

14years, baby, back, ball, banks3, beep, butt4, black3, black4, bodies, bowl, bury, cabin, carlton8, carlton9, charge, check, children, coolit, cop1, cop2, cruelhouse, death2, dinner, dontwant, e2, ehe, fat, fatty, feel, feshpince, flexible, geoffrey3, getout2, grandchildren, gun2, haha3, heartattack, hillary, hot, hug, hugs, humiliating, kick, laugh3, likes1, likes2, meatball, mymom, no3, notfat, notfather, notmother, ointments, omg1, order1, order2, owe, penis3, phone1, phone2, poopylaff, powerrangers, ripbanks, sandwich5, sandwich6, sandwich7, sandwich8, sandwich9, sex4, shave, shooting, shutup3, silence, sit1, sit2, sit3, sit4, sit5, spray, statement, stupit2, stupit3, talking, theheck, theme, theway, threwup, ty, unclephil4, weew, whatsawoman2, wood, yo

carltontable, crying4, imcarlton, notagain, stupit1

arrested, ashamed, ashamed2, attach2, bankssucks, bitch6, breffmints1, breffmints2, breffmints3, breffmints4, breffmints5, breffmints6, breffmints7, breffmints8, breffmints9, bullshit, bullshit2, burgerking, butt5, calling, cantbreathe1, cantbreathe2, cantbreathe3, cantbreathe4, cantbreathe5, carlton10, carlton11, carlton12, carltonclass, carltonwife, cunt2, defiling, dickbroke, drcarlton, earthquake, eee, excuseme2, father, fine, friendshipover, fuckyou3, gamecube1, gamecube2, geoffreyonfire, getout3, givemoney2, givemoney3, harddick, heaven, hell, henry, howcome, hug2, injail, killeachother, kys2, kys3, kys4, legalmilk, letmego, madelove, milk2, milk3, missed, more, myass2, nephew, never, never, nicehat, nicehat2, nobabies, orangejuice, pardonme, pervert, scroos, scroos2, sex5, sex6, smellsterrible, smimfs, stop2, stupit4, sweetheart1, sweetheart2, sweetheart2, sweetheart3, sweetheart4, syndrome, syndrome2, syndrome3, television, theme2, theme3, theme4, tooold, tropicana, uhhuh, vacuum, videogames, wah, what2, wiping, zip2

antemergency, antsinpants, antz, antzout, callingpolice, cantbelieveants, comeingetout, getoutpants, holdmewill, philscream, sassas, tinyphil, whathetalking, youselfish


1, 3, 5, action, ambrosia, and, answertheq, back2school, bathroom, beatit, bigclaim, bitch, bodybag, boobytrap, bots1, bots2, bots3, broke, busted, candy, cap, cleverboy, closerange, conspiracy, dance, dead, death1, depression, didntlaugh, dontbelieve, duties, excuseme, executewho, front, getbetter, greatplace, gtho, hardass, hellothere, howsit, idontread, idontunderstand, idratherdie, igiveup, jcwhat, job, leave, makeme, me, nogames, noroom, ok, problem, pullout, shame1, shame2, shame3, soda, sure, terrible, terrorists, thanks, toast, toneitdown, urdad, urnosy, vision, what?, whatdidido, where, who, whoasked, yeah


asscancer, baldbitch, big, bitch5, bitches, cardoor, clean, cops, creepers, crying5, cum3, cumming, dontlike1, dropoff, drowned, embarrass, erection2, givemoney, goahead, gun1, hard1, hard2, hate1, haters, help, hillbilly, illnesses, imblack, imcumming, imhard, imtalking, infected, interrupt, iwantmoney, jeremy1, jeremy2, kill1, killu, kissmyass, kys, lightson, monitor, mouth, narcbitch, need2cum, noballs, nosympathy, nothelping, nottrue, notugly, open, pp, pregnant, rotinhell, sex3, sexual, shirt, shutup2, sisters, spoiledbitch, spy, stab, subscribe, swinging, swoows, thehell, thereugo, theycumming, throat, throwdown, ugly1, ugly2, whatusay, whore1, whore2, worthless, wow3,


awesome, buzzcrunch, coolerection, dontcomein, dubdubsaas, dumbbitches, ererer, fantasticerection, fsteven, fyousonic, fyousonicikill, gethit, gum, haahaahaa, hahaaa, hahahacrunch, hedgehogdickgripper, idontcare, isaid, itsgood, laad, meanthatno, noerection, notracist, nword, soniccrappedinthere, soniccraps, sonichell, speeps, stillalad, surrender, worthlesserection, yeeaah, youngfolks, yourenotfunny, oldpeople


aah, acid, brbrbr, broom, buttsex, coffee, coffeeiscoffee1, coffeeiscoffee2, coffeeismurder, crap, daftcoffee, decentcup, eeee, freshjizz, fulljar, getout1, getwasted, gone, greatcoffee, halfjar, hardcock, harsh, honest, inyo, itsmurder, justtaste, justtheD, mellowyellow, myass, nai, newpot, norefunds, nothinghappened, nuke, oh, petunias, pipipi, plus, relax1, relax2, seeya, serious, shart, smellit, stupid1, tasteslikeshit, tryii, underwear, undrinkable1, undrinkable2, unsatisfied, uurr, waste, wayto, yes, yknow,


beepbeep, boopboop1, boopboop2, chaoscontrol, chronic, corrupted, cuckles, foof, fuckmyway, fuckyou1, furry1, gaysonic, knuck, knuckles, mam, morning, mouselover, myrobot, night, planb, reverse, rock, shutup1, trumpet, youfoof, zipit


anal, change, confused, damage2, death3, dontgive, dontlike2, dookie, embrace, fuckoff2, fuckyall, furry2, goodshit1, goodshit2, hate2, horrible, jerkedoff, joke, kinkshame1, kinkshame2, laugh2, learned, look, minion, mmbaby, mypeople omg2, pencil, penis4, pig, prisoner, pulledout, rightthere, sailormoon, saltybitch, scream3, screamed, seeyou, signme1, signme2, surprise, tfamidoing, utah, verizon, waiting, wasted, whatisthis, work, wrong, wtf6, wtfomg, zoobehell

Calirodir's Twitch chat rules

Please note that seeing mods or VIPS break any of these rules does not automatically mean that you can. They have leeway, you do not.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask

  • You must be 18+

  • The topics discussed in this channel are not safe for minors.

  • Ask before posting links

  • Any links posted without permission that aren't song requests, will be deleted.

  • No politics or world news

  • This is a positive space. We are here to have a good time and forget life's hardships for a few hours.

  • Don't self promote or bring up other streamers unless Cali does it first

  • This is basic chat etiquette. Unless Cali brings up other creators in conversation, please refrain from doing so on your own.

  • Do not use TTS for emotes or copypastas

  • TTS is exclusively for accessibility purposes, as Cali has a single monitor and requires TTS to keep up with chat. Please do not use it do send emotes or copypastas. Excessive use of caps is also a pet peeve. Sending too many messages back to back can drown other people's messages due to Cali's font size, so please send everything in one message if possible.

  • Stay on topic and don't use chat as your DMs

  • Please do not divert attention to other topics when a conversation is ongoing. It's basic respect and etiquette. Cali loves seeing the ongoing conversations, but please refrain from using the chat as your DMs with another chatter. It hogs the chat and drowns out other users.

  • Don' be weird or roleplay in chat

  • Please practice common decency and don't make Cali feel uncomfortable. Be a viewer. If you're a fellow VTuber it's okay to talk about it if it fits the conversation topic. Otherwise, please turn off the VTuber persona. Don't be a main character or start roleplaying in chat.

  • Don't sexualize, or use parassocial language towards Cali

  • Occasional jokes are perfectly okay, but do not sexualize Cali. Do not make any advances and be generally respectful. Pet names and infantilizing language are completely off-limits.

  • No trauma dumping

  • Cali is not equipped to assist with your personal issues. Please seek assistance from someone who can help. Cali will however do her best to make your day better.

  • Don't post sensitive info, such as name, age, etc...

  • Practice internet safety. Any and all info you share is on the internet forever. Please do not share personal information about your home life, your name, age, general location. It's totally okay to talk about your country or state for the sake of sharing fun facts, however.

  • Mods word is final

  • Cali discusses with her mods very often. If a moderator tells you to stop, immediately assume they have the greenlight to do so. Do not assume they're on a power trip or out to get you just because Cali did not explicitly tell you to stop. Sometimes, Cali does not want to put the stream on halt just to scold you. That's why moderators exist. Respect them as you respect the streamer. Cali will find out about your behavior and your potential unban request will be automatically denied.

  • Viewer games are reserved for VIPs and Twitch buffs unless stated otherwise

  • Please do not insist. Unless the game allows viewers to join without the need for a friend request, viewer games are reserved to VIPs and friends.

  • Even if no rule exists saying something isn't allowed, mods and Cali reserve the right to timeout or ban individuals as needed

  • It's impossible to cover every rule. If you receive disciplinary action, it's because you did something you shouldn't have. Simply apologize and vouch to do better.